Here is Why NHF Loans Went Away
If you were wondering, here is why NHF loans went away. We should bring these back and you can help.
If you were wondering, here is why NHF loans went away. We should bring these back and you can help.
Well HUD Kills Another Program that was very helpful to our under-served groups.
Ben Carson says it’s time for the “Inter-Generational Cycle of Poverty” to be broken as he heads to HUD.
With rising rates refinances are beginning to fall off and on top of that home affordability continues to drop. How will this impact your business?
Smoking has been banned in section 8 housing by HUD. So there… you’ve been warned.
Trump Adds Quicken Exec to Oversee HUD Transition.
Today we share our thoughts on Ben Carson as head of HUD.
HUD, which should be looking out for the poor when it comes to housing, really seems to be doing quite the opposite lately. They are saying affordable housing creates segregation,
HUD says no to low to mod income housing in San Francisco. Really? Why would they not want to have Low To Mod income borrowers have the opportunity to buy
The HUD Inspector General is out to kill more DAP’s. We just went over the FHA Sapphire loan a couple of days ago and sure enough, it’s one of the
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