Category: Brokers

NAMB – It’s Time to Pivot

My big concern, based on what I’m (Frank) seeing that refinance activity is not the 70/30 we’re seeing reported in the media. What I’m seeing is more like 90/10. That

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CA Brokers Sue UWM Over EPO’s

A handful of California mortgage brokers have started a class action lawsuit against United Wholesale Mortgage claiming that UWM unlawfully changed their EPO policy on them. The lawsuit comes on

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Ready for the New 1003?

Are you ready for the new 1003? You’ve got till March to be fully engaged with it. It’s literally 10 pages long now and it’s all switched around. The good

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Non-QM Just Got Very Easy

Non-QM just got very easy and it’s going to get even easier. Oaktree Funding has a slew of new stuff coming your way. Don’t miss the Non-QM 2021 Renaissance webinar

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