
Why Real Estate Remains a Winning Investment – Right NOW!

May 21, 2024


The Persuasive Power of Real Estate: Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions

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In the current housing market, loan officers and realtors are facing a significant challenge: a lack of inventory. This issue is the primary cause of our problem, accounting for approximately 90% of the difficulties we face. While insurance and interest rates are also factors, they pale in comparison to the impact of limited inventory. A lack of inventory means a lack of opportunity, artificially overpriced homes, and limited immediate money-making actions for loan officers.

Increasing inventory is the singular aspect that can change the outlook and turn 2024 into a victory. Inventory is the key to solving our affordability crisis. More inventory will bring prices down, especially if we focus on building more diverse housing options rather than oversized starter homes. Increased inventory also creates more choices for consumers and, consequently, more opportunities for loan officers and realtors. With a greater selection of homes, consumers have more options in their acquisition process, and professionals in the industry can make choices of self-determination and take action to improve their performance.

As a salesperson in the housing market, your role is to persuade people to make decisions that may be difficult but are ultimately in their best interest. Buying a house, even in the face of economic uncertainty, is one such decision. It’s essential not to succumb to excuses for inaction, such as the possibility of a recession, a housing bubble, or the potential for prices and rates to decrease. Instead, focus on the long-term benefits of home-ownership.

The graph from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, spanning over half a century, proves that home values consistently appreciate over time. Even the 2008 housing market meltdown appears as a mere blip in the bigger picture. Real estate is a winning investment, and the best time to buy is always in the past, while the worst time is always in the future. However, buying real estate is always a good decision, regardless of the timing.

This wisdom is not lost on the wealthy. High net worth individuals allocate a significant portion of their portfolios to real estate, with 32% invested in residential properties and 21% in commercial ones. This preference for tangible investments over stocks, which make up only 26% of their portfolio, speaks volumes about the value of real estate in building wealth.

In conclusion, increasing inventory is the key to unlocking the housing market’s potential. As loan officers and realtors, it is crucial to focus on building rapport, overcoming objections, and creating value for your clients. By sharing the long-term benefits of home-ownership and the wealth-building potential of real estate, you can help your clients make informed decisions that will positively impact their financial future. Remember, as Warren Buffett said, “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Real estate investment is one of the most reliable ways to achieve this goal.