A transparent approach to business and sobriety. Addicted…to marketing!
Click HERE – We meet at 9:00AM PST every Monday!
It’s easy to get bogged down by the challenges of this real estate market – the fluctuations, the competition, the demanding clients. I often catch myself complaining and feeling entitled, as if success should just fall into my lap.
But the truth is, I still have a lot to be grateful for. The agents who send me their deals are placing tremendous trust in my abilities. When a realtor refers clients to me, they are counting on me to deliver results during a time when they desperately need to close deals. I cannot take that responsibility lightly.
Beyond the business itself, I need to remember that my problems are still “first world problems.” As difficult as this market can be, I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and a successful career helping people buy and sell homes. Many people in the world lack even basic necessities. Practicing more gratitude keeps my struggles in perspective.
With gratitude comes humility. I may feel like an expert in my field, but that hubris can lead to lazy habits and critical mistakes. 38,000 real estate agents and a similar number of loan officers have left the industry just since January. I’m still here. I need to approach each day with focus, discipline, and a commitment to serving my clients and community.
Vigilance is key. It’s easy to rest on my laurels when I close a big deal. But lasting success in this business comes from consistency and persistence day in and day out. I need to continually plant seeds through small actions – texting inspirational quotes to past clients and partners, having conversations to uncover needs I can meet. One text may lead to a crucial referral down the road.
At the end of the day, my results come down to the actions I choose to take or not take. As Emerson said, “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” I have to believe that better days lie ahead, even when confronted with wave after wave of challenges. Progress begins with changing my perspective.
The disciplines required in this business are not so different than those needed to maintain my sobriety and peace of mind. Community support makes all the difference in overcoming struggles with work, mental health, or addiction. I’m lucky to still be standing amidst the volatility in housing. My goal now is to double down on what I have left through relentless self-improvement.
If these ideas resonate with you or someone you know, I welcome you to join my weekly zoom calls. Together we can share strategies around mindset, marketing, and operating a values-driven business in the face of uncertainty. The market may be difficult, but it pales next to the difficulties many endure. I’m determined to make the most of the opportunities before me with an attitude of service.